
Monday, December 31, 2012

Fixing your stitch

Most permanent stitching (with a few exceptions) require that you fix your stitch at both ends. This simply means creating a knot in the stitching to prevent the stitch from coming out later.

Unless a stitch specifically does not want to be fixed (for example: a baste stitch or an easestitch), you will want to fix your stitch!

When you are doing a hand-stitch, if you've knotted your thread at the end, then this will serve as the fix at the beginning of the stitch, otherwise, you will want to fix at beginning and end of the stitch. To do this, make a small loop of thread by stitching sideways across a single layer of your fabric, and then run your needle through the loop to make a simple knot, tightening the whole knot down afterwards. You might want to do this a couple of times if you're working with heavy enough fabric just to make sure that the knot is good and tight.

Machine-fixing is quite simple. Some digital machines (like mine) will even auto-fix for you (of course, you have to remember to turn this off if you don't want to fix your stitch!). To manually fix a stitch on a machine, start your stitch, and then after one or two stitches, use the reverse button on your machine and stitch back to where you started. Then release the reverse button and continue stitching ahead. This will create three layers of stitching on the same spot, which will lock the thread into place and keep it from accidentally pulling out. When you get to the end of your stitch, again, use the reverse button to back up a couple of stitches, then release the reverse button and come back to the end, and you're done. Both ends are now secure.

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